Recommended Reading
Suggested Text (PEO NPPE Exam)
The practice test site sells an NPPE preparation package, which includes two textbooks and access to a 100-question practice test at a discounted price. You can purchase textbooks directly from the publishers, through online book retailers, or as part of the NPPE preparation package.
- Canadian Professional Engineering and Geoscience: Practice & Ethics, Fifth Edition, 2014
by Gordon C. Andrews
Canadian Professional Engineering and Geoscience: Practice & Ethics, Sixth Edition, 2018
by Gordon C. Andrews - Practical Law of Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience, Second Canadian Edition, 2011
Practical Law of Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience, Third Canadian Edition, 2015
by Brian M. Samuels and Doug R. Sanders
Free Study Materials
As a teacher I highly recommend going through the book for through preparation. If time constraint, at least the important chapters in the book (which will be e-mailed part of pre seminar material on registration) should be reviewed.
How to start and stay ahead in an engineering Career in Canada
“You need to read this book if you are looking for a job in your engineering field, planning to apply for P.Eng., in the middle of licensure process and professional development. You will benefit from the first hand experience of the author who went through the process”
“Topics covered include Canadian Experience, Proactive networking, Successful interview skills, Professional Engineering license, Potential immigrants, New graduates and Professional Development”.
“Depth of the experience rather than breath is valued…” are very true and if people read your book it will be very helpful for them. You have tried to put most relevant things in the book, covering people trying to come to Canada up to successful candidates trying to do their P.Eng. – Raj Shankar, Internationally trained Engineering person working in his field in Canada.
Ramadoss Srinivasan P.Eng. is an internationally trained Engineer who is working in his Engineering field. He has coached hundreds of Engineering and technical people guiding in the area of job search, P.Eng. License process. His seminars on these subjects gets excellent feedback.